Can anyone recommend a good broadband provider in the Manchester area?
Im with Comcast right now, refuse to go to Verizon due to their
company practices, curious if anyone out there is using something

On Nov 9, 2007 11:44 AM, Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Ted/everyone,
>   Ted, I respect your opinion but I beg to differ.
> Comcast is no longer on a vendor list of mine.  First
> it was banning "servers", then bandwidth caps and now
> this.  Net Neutrality is important to me and I make my
> choice know with my $$'s and thats my perogative.
> Consumers should have input regarding the internet
> they want to see and feel free to demand what they
> want from the companies they support.  Companies
> should recognize that consumers have choice and will
> make it based upon the intersection of their offerings
> and the consumers wants.
>   Actually there is a pending complaint/petition and
> not a lawsuit in with the FCC against Comcast.
> "The petition asks the commission to immediately
> declare that Comcast is violating the FCC's policy.
> The co-signers are Consumer Federation of America;
> Consumers Union, the publisher of Consumer Reports;
> Media Access Project; Public Knowledge; and professors
> at the Internet practices of the Yale, Harvard and
> Stanford law schools."
>   This is not the first time they have taken repugnant
> actions and one can only question what is next on the
> agenda.  What further innovations will be stiffled by
> this?  Do they have a right to do this at all?
> BiTorrent is a promising technology that is put to
> many new, exciting and legal uses.  Could it be that
> these uses might eventually cause competition with one
> of their potential revenue stream?  Hmmm, smells a bit
> sour to me.  Heck, why don't they just go all out and
> create an AOL like "interweb" where the "tubes" are
> free of any traffic they don't bless. Maybe it will
> only run on Windows with super nifty DRM.  Lol!  =P
> Have a great weekend,
> Joe
> Message: 8
> Date: Fri, 09 Nov 2007 09:43:43 -0500
> From: Ted Roche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Fedora Eight is out on the streets!
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> >
> > I heard, somewhere, that Comcast is actually being
> sued for violating
> > net neutrality.
> I don't believe that net neutrality is the law of the
> land. There are
> many who argue it may not even be a good idea, but
> that's beyond this
> thread about Fedora by far...
> > Supposedly, they're throttling BitTorrent traffic.
> > Sorry, I don't have any links to support this; this
> info is purely
> > from the rumor mill. :)
> A quick web search on "Comcast Throttling" or "Comcast
> Blocking" can
> produce lots of interesting hits of varied
> reputation...
> and...
> FWIW, I downloaded the RC3 DVD of Fedora 8 last week
> quite quickly (a
> couple hours) and shared it back to the network over
> the weekend,
>  seeing
> around 5M down, 256K up over the long haul. I used
> that same image with
> an updated torrent and renamed files to update my
> local copy to the
>  gold
> release, replacing only 15% of the blocks (I was
> surprised it was that
> many!), saving the download time and joining in early
> as a seed.
> Download finished in less than 2 hours yesterday and
> my sharing ratio
> had hit 1.33 by this morning. So perhaps Comcast is
> only messing with
> BitTorrent feeds in some more heavily trafficked
> areas?
> --
> Ted Roche
> Ted Roche & Associates, LLC
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