> Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 15:10:50 -0500
> From: "Bob King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > The BT earpiece droids do it
> > because they think it's cool to show off that they have a phone that
> > costs way too much, and has more features than they can possibly ever
> > figure out how to use.
>  I don't know about that... I just got a nice little enV phone for free
> (with 2 yr contract) that has stereo bluetooth with music player that is
> pretty sweet. The phones, like the headsets, have come down quite a bit
> unless you really want a UMPC level smartphone. The keyboard is pretty good
> for texting, and the battery life is much improved.

Note: You could have all that coolness...build the device entirely
yourself with available hardware and open-source software...*BUT ONLY
IF* building your own cellular radio wasn't illegal.

Because of that ONE reg... we have to buy all this gadgetry which we
could otherwise make ourselves.

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