On Sat, 2008-01-12 at 12:17 -0500, Mark Komarinski wrote:
> Lloyd Kvam wrote:
> > I bought a GPS tracker (RGM-3800) under the delusion that I would be
> > able to collect data from it using Linux.  Unfortunately, it is using a
> > proprietary protocol to collect data.  The serial connection is
> > 115200-n-8-1, but the device does not use the "normal" command
> > sequences.
> >   
> I'd say save your time and money.
> Last year I got a cheap-o Bluetooth GPS from CompGeeks 
> (http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=WHT-BT-5&cat=GPS) that was $35, 
> has a battery that seems to last forever, and charges via a standard USB 
> port.  Yes, it can charge and act as a GPS, no it can't transmit any 
> data over USB.

Unfortunately the bt-5 still appears to need a separate device to
actually record the data.  I was looking for a simple standalone device
that would record positions for later processing.  The rgm-3800 is small
and light and looked to be ideal for creating logs while bicycling,
hiking, or cross country skiing.

> I've been using it with gpsdrive (and gpsd) for a while.  Works really 
> nicely and is a great price for anyone that wants to experiment with 
> either GPS or bluetooth devices.
> -Mark

If the pointers I've gotten from others fail to do the trick, I will
need to look at switching to a different device.  The bt-5 with logging
would be a great fit for me.

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

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