On Jan 15, 2008 3:03 PM, Bill McGonigle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am *not* a good typist; my wrists stay down all the time. This
>> leads to alot of straying pointer issuse
> And potentially carpal tunnel syndrome.  "Wrists up!," as my old
> piano teacher would say.

  Actually, no.

  Carpal tunnel syndrome has not been linked to keyboard usage,
improper or otherwise.



  You likely mean RSI (repetitive strain injury), also called CTD
(cumulative trauma disorder) or RMD (repetitive motion disorder).
That issue is a lot bigger and a lot muddier.  But current wisdom is,
you want your wrists to be flat and supported, not raised *or*
lowered.  Simply enough, avoid anything that puts a strain on your
body repeatedly (whodathunkit?).  Holding your hands in the air above
the keyboard is a strain.

  For that matter, current wisdom is that doing just about anything
repetatively and/or for long periods of time is bad for you.  Fancy
chairs won't help; the real problem is that holding any one position
for hours at a time is bad for our bodies.  Take frequent breaks.
Move your arms and wrists.  Get up and walk around.  Don't fall into
harmful patterns.






-- Ben
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