The first NH Ruby and Rails User Group meeting of 2008 was attended by
seven people interested in OpenID and ActionMailer.

Nick Plante gave an introduction to OpenID, discussing its benefits and
current use on the 'net, and then dove into an example of using OpenID
in a Ruby on Rails application.

Scott Garman also gave a talk on ActionMailer, the Ruby on Rails
component that sends and receives email. This talk included code
examples from a live production Rails app, including testing practices
for both unit and functional/integration testing.

Both presentations have PDF slides that are available for download from
the NHRuby wiki:

At the end of the meeting, discussion turned toward possible future
meeting topics, which may include:

* Behavior driven development with rspec.
* Deploying Rails applications with JRuby.
* Geocoding applications with Ruby.
* Alternate frameworks and ORMs, such as Merb, Nitro, and DataMapper.
* Comparing Django and Rails as web development frameworks.

Feel free to reply to this post and add your own suggestions!

Until next month...


Scott Garman
sgarman at zenlinux dot com
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