On 01/18/2008 07:39 AM, TARogue wrote:
> First question: what is wmaster0?
It's not from NetworkManager, but is probably created by the underlying 
driver for your wireless card (check ifconfig), which then creates eth0 
or wifi0 or whatever.
> Second question: what does "unknown hardware address type 801" mean
It may be related to the problems you're seeing, but a bit more 
debugging is in order.

The DHCP messages mean that you sent out a DHCP request, but got no 
answers and thus it timed out.  On one of my access points, the DHCP 
server exists on the AP and sometimes goes a bit flaky.  The first thing 
I'd to is restart the AP and see if that clears it up.  Next, try 
unloading and reloading the wireless driver from your laptop and see if 
that makes a difference.

If you're still having problems after that, check out utilities like 
iwconfig and iwlist to get more information about what your wireless 
card sees.

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