On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 22:58 -0400, Neil Joseph Schelly wrote:
> On Friday 18 April 2008 09:59, Lloyd Kvam wrote:
> > On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 09:38 -0400, Neil Joseph Schelly wrote:
> > > I've resolved the performance problems with a
> > > really cool dual-db setup I came up with that's giving me awesome
> > > performance.
> >
> > That piques my interest.  Is it an update server replicating to a
> > reporting server or something more exciting?
> It's a setup with a dedicate-write database and a dedicated-read database.  
> My 
> assumption (which seems to be going well) is that the Bayesian database can 
> be a little out of date (hours or even a day) and still be very effective at 
> decision-making.  So I dump the writeable database to the read-only database 
> at regular intervales 

Was there any reason for not using the MySQL replication feature to copy
from the writeable database to the read-only database?

I rely on replication mostly for off-site backup, but I've read of
people splitting databases as you have done for performance reasons.

> and the SQL in SpamAssassin's BayesStore module was all 
> modified to do the write queries in one DB and the read queries in the other.
> I documented it with more detail on my site just a few minutes ago, with 
> graphs to demonstrate the improved performance:
> http://www.jenandneil.com/node/59
> If anyone sees any places I should expand on that, by all means let me know.  
> I'm pretty proud of the results.  After it runs for a bit longer, I was going 
> to send it along to Apache/SpamAssassin as a feature request, suggestion.
> -N
Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

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