GNHLUG doesn't have a table or other "official" presense at this weekend's
NEARfest . I know a number of GNHLUGgers have mentioned in recent meetings
that they'll be attending, so you've got a chance of bumping into some Linux
geeks :)


On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 12:41 AM, Bill Ricker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Will GNHLUG be at NEARFEST this weekend ?
> If so, would GNHLUG like Ubuntu LoCo support vis-a-vis the recent 8.04
> Hardy Heron release ?
> I note the recent Ubuntu Newsletter #88 featured a Hamfest outreach by
> LoCo (see below).
> If I can get a few boxes of Gutsy 7.10 CDs and some Hardy Heron 8.04
> CDs from Mass LoCo team, I'll bring them up with me Friday &/or
> Saturday (as well as to MIT Fleas in future), and maybe
> Installfest/Explo:Ubuntu flyers.
> (Maybe I'll take some to Photographica in Wakefield on the way home
> too Saturday.)
> 73 de
> Bill N1VUX
> There is not an Ubuntu NH LoCo team yet.
> There is a Maine team and a Mass team under an umbrella "NU Ubuntu
> Team" (Northeastern United States of America Ubuntu Local Community
> Team :=  I-95 + VT per Census definition)
> Mass LoCo has Exploration:Ubuntu installfest/demos at MIT, and
> community based training events, and more to come.
>  ... Excerpt ...
> LoCo News  - "Northeast Louisiana Regional Ham RadioFest"
>   The Louisiana LoCo team had a booth at the Northeast Louisiana
> Regional Ham RadioFest on Saturday April 26th. They passed out cds,
> stickers, flyers and had a giveaway that included Ubuntu t-shirts, and
> two complete computers running Ubuntu Hardy Heron. There was a lot of
> interest in Ubuntu by the attendees and many people were excited to
> try out the latest version. In addition to the booth, the team also
> held a presentation followed by a Q&A session with good attendance.
> Everyone was excited and receptive. At the end of the day the team got
> a chance to relax at the release party and enjoy some good food and
> fellowship. It was a very successful day. A special thank you to all
> those team members who were able to attend and help out with the
> booth, it wouldn't have been possible without you!
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