David Hardy wrote:
> Problem:  I scraped the
> hard drive (or thought I did) completely in anticipation that she'd want
> the Windows os back.  
> (It would appear to install and then freeze,
> and on boot-up the XP boot screen appears, despite my reformatting the
> drive.)

Sounds more like you reformatted a partition than wiped the whole drive.

> I will now have to either buy another XP license or find some way of
> both installing Ubuntu and then finding a wireless card that will work
> with it.

Feel free to bring it by my shop in the afternoon or early evening and I
can take a look at it.  I never did get Ubuntu to run right on my
Toshiba, but Mandriva (post-2007) works beautifully. (2007 and previous
needed kernel option for the SATA bus but worked fine otherwise.)

The shop is Just Works, at 419 Amherst St. in Nashua, off exit 8 and
right across the street from Building 19.  I can hook you up with a copy
of Mandriva 2008.1 Free and see if that does anything. (I have licenses
for Powerpack 2008.0 for sale if you're interested as well...)  As long
as I have time (AKA no paying customers ahead in the queue) I'll take a
look gratis.  (If you *want* to pay me (or buy something), great, but
this isn't a commercial offer.)

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