On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 6:45 AM, Frank DiPrete <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I checked the HD-5500 :
> MPEG2 decoding are done on the host computer in software

  I think that applies to most solutions these days.  Input (tune,
capture, encode) is considered separate from output (decode, display).
 There's a lot of arguments for that approach: You can add multiple
input devices without paying for output hardware you only need once.
Many video cards these days have decoders in them already.  Most
computers these days have enough CPU power to do decoding in software.

  The HDHomeRun doesn't even have video out.  :)

  If you want hardware decoding, presumably your existing card already
has that, and you can just use it as an output-only device.

-- Ben
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