I'm surprised this turned into a flame war, and in that light I'll only
reply here on the single phrase that started it.

I wasn't very offended by the gay comment myself, but I do feel strongly
that when such comments are made they need to be spoken about openly.  I
don't believe VirginSnow intended that remark as an insult towards me or my
relationship with my partner, I think it was an honest mistake and I won't
hold it against him if that's the end of it.

It's not about blame, it's about keeping each other's use of potentially
alienating language in check.  I can say from personal experience, in the
past I have felt unwelcome in groups where statements like this were made
even by one member, especially in cases where I was new to a group.  They
tend to stand out against the rest of the message and be strongly

I have heard similar sentiments from many others in the gay community as
well as from women and racial minorities.  This thread makes it clear where
GNHLUG members stand on the issue.

Thanks everyone for speaking up.
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