Who  : Rob Anderson
What : Programming Python Picture Toss
Date : Mon 11 Aug 2008
Time : 7 PM to 9 PM
Where: Room 301, Morse Hall, UNH, Durham, NH

  Everybody's got digital photos.  Everyone's set one as their desktop
background before.  But how would you like to be able to toss a pile
of your pictures on your desktop, move them around, rotate them, and
flip through them at will?  That's what Rob Anderson wanted to do.  It
started out as a simple dislike of the behavior of the background
applet in KDE 4, and became a minor project.  But fortunately, Python
made the job a lot easier.  pictureToss.py is around 300 lines of
Python code, and features include:

    * Randomizes one or more directories of pictures
    * Randomly sizes and rescales each picture
    * Randomly places smaller images on a single larger image
    * Randomly rotates images in +/- 10 degree increments
    * Command line control
    * Time based "next image in sequence" replacement of a randomly
selected image being displayed
    * Image collision detection to keep too many photos from
overlaying each other
    * Move, resize, rotate, and layer pictures with your mouse
    * Keyboard control: Replacement, deletion, addition of images;
rescaling; layering
    * The ability to print or save the current view as a PNG

  Come check see it in action, see how it was programmed, and maybe --
if we're lucky -- get a copy for yourself!

  More info:


=== About SLUG ===

 SLUG is the Seacoast Linux User Group, and is a chapter of GNHLUG,
the Greater NH Linux User Group.  Rob Anderson is the SLUG
coordinator, and reliably comes up with interesting topics each month.
 SLUG meets the second Monday of every month, same time, same place.
You can find out more about SLUG and GNHLUG at their websites.



 Meetings take place starting at 7:00 PM.  Meetings are open to all.
The meeting proper ends around 9ish, but it's not uncommon to find
hangers-on there until 10 or later.  They take place in Room 301 (the
third floor conference room), of Morse Hall, at the University of New
Hampshire, in Durham.
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