If you're suffering withdrawl from the lack of a NHRuby.org meeting last
month, don't worry - we're back for a great meeting this month! Join us
at our usual location, RMC Research in Portsmouth, NH for a trio of
interesting talks.

* Brian Turnbull will be giving an presentation on HTTP, the protocol
that powers the world wide web. Every web page requested and displayed
in a web browser is delivered via HTTP. But HTTP can facilitate all
sorts of client/server communication. In this talk, Brian will discuss
and present the major aspects of the protocol for application to your
own projects.

* Scott Garman will be giving a talk on how to quickly set up a Virtual
Private Server (VPS) as a Rails deployment environment. This talk is
specifically geared toward this process as preparation for the Rails
Rumble programming contest, coming up in mid October. Rumble
participants will be given a Linode VPS to use during the contest.

* Continuing on the Rails Rumble preview theme, Nick Plante will give an
overview of the git source code management system, as well as the
elegant and powerful GitHub hosted web service for managing git
repositories. Rumble participants will be expected to use git and GitHub
during the contest.

Rumor has it that Nick will have some signed copies of his newly
released book, Practical Rails Plugins that will be given away as door

WHEN: Tuesday, September 16, 2008. 7-9 PM.
WHERE: RMC Research Offices, 1000 Market Street, Portsmouth, NH.

For a map and driving directions, see our wiki site:




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