Dan Coutu wrote:
> I have a client running on Red Hat Linux 5 that has a home grown gnarly 
> intranet that needs to be replaced with something that's a lot more 
> useful and easier to navigate and maintain. I've been investigating 
> different open source and commercial packages that provide an 
> out-of-the-box type of intranet and thought I'd ask here about people's 
> experiences, recommendations, and ideas.

In the (longish) past (circa 2001) I've had good results using PHProjekt 
under a secure web connection:


It's still under somewhat active development it seems.

> - logins should be able to hook into the system logins so that adding an 
> account to the system also adds to the intranet

If you have LDAP authentication working, this should be no problem. 
Otherwise, it seems to fit your stated requirements.


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