On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 12:12 PM, Nigel Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >>   Well, I suppose it means anyone with admin rights would at least be
> >> able to have different desktops. *shrug*
> >>
> >>
> > Essentially, Ubuntu uses sudo. So, when a desktop user with admin rights
> > wants to do something that requires root access, the user's password is
> > requested, not the root password.
> >
> > There are a lot of reasons you do not want to run as root for normal
> > operations.
>         I installed OpenSolaris the other day and fully expected to have
>        sudo.  It wasn't there.  My Linux-based reaction was - negative. :-)

sudo is available on the "Solaris Companion" DVD.

Sun has developed RBAC (Role Based Access Control).  There's a command
called pfexec that will work like sudo mostly.

I found I wasn't able to su to root on OpenSolaris 200805-1 because of RBAC
either.  I had to edit a number of files to change the security to act more
like Linux.

On a similar note, sudo isn't installed on my Windows system :-)
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