On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 12:05 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think I will need to do the proxy thing again.

  Probably.  You might ask your IT people if it is possible to have
them configure an exception for your stuff.

> What is the name of the base package system ...

  APT (Advanced Package Tool), with "apt-get" being the most popular command.

> ... where do I find the configuration files to send it to the proxy?

  I'm guessing /etc/apt/apt.conf wil be the most likely place for that
sort of option.  I seem to recall that "man apt.conf" was reasonably

> I will use ntlmaps again.  It was fun the first time...

  I've never used or heard of ntlmaps before, but Google found its
home page for me.  (It appears to be a sort of HTTP proxy gateway.  It
acts as an HTTP proxy client speaking NTLM authentication to an
upstream proxy server that requires NTLM; it acts as an HTTP proxy
server speaking BASIC/DIGEST to downstream clients which don't speak
NTLM; and it bridges the two worlds.)  It is likely your upstream
proxy server supports other forms of authentication (such as BASIC or
DIGEST), and may even have them enabled.  If they're not enabled, you
might ask your IT people to enable them.  Or maybe it's easier to just
deploy ntlmaps; your call.  :)

-- Ben
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