A friend of mine asked for a copy of the paper we wrote for DECUS:

>I would LOVE a copy of that.

(sigh)  Now I have to find a photocopy machine.

There is no electronic copy.

This reminds me of the time that USENIX wanted to have a copy of an
ancient talk given by John Mashey in 1977 presented at BSDcon in 2002.
The talk was called "Small is Beautiful".

The webmaster asked for the "PDF" or the "source code" of the file so he
could put it up on the web.  John looked at him with amazement and a bit
of sad disdain:

"There are no electronic files of this talk....they are all in hardcopy
overhead foils."

Scanned in and put up on the web, they can be found here:


along with another great Mashey talk:

"Software Army On the March"

We stand on the shoulders of giants.

Jon "maddog" Hall
Executive Director           Linux International(R)
email: mad...@li.org         80 Amherst St. 
Voice: +1.603.672.4557       Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A.
WWW: http://www.li.org

Board Member: Uniforum Association
Board Member Emeritus: USENIX Association (2000-2006)

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