Doh!!!!    Whichever way I worked it out, I totally spaced out on the
calculation, I didn't even realize the 'PM' because I am so used to working
with the 24hr clock, I automatically assumed it was AM, but even if it were
AM, then I was still way off the mark....   Ignore what I said about the
timing. I hope you all enjoy the epoch, I wil have my own quiet epoch
marking ceremony with a nice glass of 12yr old McCallan.



On 2/13/09, Chris <> wrote:
> Not to be too pedantic about this, but 11:31:30 UTC  is 16:31:30 EST
> there is only a 5hr time difference.
> Chris
> On 2/13/09, Jon 'maddog' Hall <> wrote:
>> A gentle reminder of this most momentous occasion tonight.  Remember
>> that Ben offered to buy the first (and perhaps only) round of drinks!
>> Please RSVP so we can get an area big enough (and so Ben can figure out
>> how much money to pull from the bank).
>> "At 11:31:30pm UTC on Feb 13, 2009, Unix time will reach 1,234,567,890.
>> Where will you be at this momentous second?" - from Bell Labs
>> This will be Friday, February 13th at 1831 and 30 seconds EST (1531 and
>> 30 seconds PST).
>> Now if there was any reason to fear Friday the 13th, I think this is it.
>> That many numbers sequentially in a row representative of time?  Who
>> knows what will stop working?  Will lex(1) cease to work, will yacc(1)s
>> everywhere revolt?  Will the rapture be upon us?
>> I remember asking Alan Cox about UNIX (note that I spelled UNIX in all
>> capital letters, as it should be) time in 1999.  I was confident that
>> most UNIX systems would not be adversely affected by "Y2K", but I knew
>> about a hidden time-bomb in the year 2038, when the "UNIX epoch" comes
>> to an end.  Alan assured me that Linux was now working on 64-bit time,
>> and its "roll-over" would happen about the time that the sun burnt out.
>> And while this upcoming event is not a "roll-over", nevertheless this
>> coming Friday the 13th I will be holding my breath....
>> I intend on being at the place where I have the best chance of surviving
>> this potential catastrophe and where I can personally do the most good:
>>     =>Martha's Exchange Restaurant in Nashua, New Hampshire, USA<=
>> While our friends at Bell Labs (er, ah, Lucent....O.K. "Alcatel-Lucent")
>> rush to understand this phenomenon, I will be doing my civic duty by
>> drinking fine beer, and maybe an Islay scotch.  This is hard to do while
>> you are holding your breath, but I will suffer through.  Who knows,
>> perhaps the U.S. government will give us a "bailout" to study this
>> issue.
>> Who will join me as we watch the time of UNIX line up?
>> md
>> --
>> Jon "maddog" Hall
>> Executive Director           Linux International(R)
>> email:         80 Amherst St.
>> Voice: +1.603.672.4557       Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A.
>> WWW:
>> Board Member: Uniforum Association
>> Board Member Emeritus: USENIX Association (2000-2006)
>> (R)Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in several
>> countries.
>> (R)Linux International is a registered trademark in the USA used
>> pursuant
>>    to a license from Linux Mark Institute, authorized licensor of Linus
>>    Torvalds, owner of the Linux trademark on a worldwide basis
>> (R)UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the USA and other
>>    countries.
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