
Some of you may know that I have been making some videos lately:




Some of you may know about the Linux Foundation's "We are Linux" Video


that ends on March 15th, and I am sure you have all seen at least one of
the "Windows/MAC" or "Windows/MAC/Linux" 'advertisements'....if not...

[Warning: some verbiage is not for young ears]


I have written a script for a video that even Ben likes, but we need
three people to be "Windows", "MAC" and (of course) "Linux".

Ben has volunteered to be "Windows":

     >  Well, if you need someone in the NH area to look like a nerdy
     >Microsoft geek, I'm prolly your man.   :)

but we need two more people to be "MAC" and "Linux".

The "Linux" person will have to be able to ride a scooter at least into
and out of view on the stage, and to honk a bicycle horn a couple of
times.  And of course memorize a small speaking part.  Not a very
demanding part, but key.  I do not expect them to be as "geeky" as the
Linux person in the above videos.  We will let Ben be "geeky" as

Ben feels for the MAC person:

   >  The Apple Guy should be someone who can look the part of the
   >latte-drinking, beret-wearing stuck-up sort of guy one typically
   >imagines as a Mac fan.  Even *Apple* uses that stereotype in their

although we both agree that "Guy" is not to be construed to be only a
male person, and the Linux person can also be of the female sex (or even
transexual..."Live Free or Die"...we are not bigots here).  The MAC
person will have a small speaking part also.

Actually, all three will have speaking parts, although the Linux person
will also be able to blow the bicycle horn.

The whole video has to be less than a minute, and I do not think that
this will take a long time, but it does mean that all four (I will be
the camera person) of us will have to get together for the taping....
then I will have to try to do some "magic" with the editing, so we will
have to do this quickly to get it all done by March 15th.  [Beware the
Ides of March! - md]

I would like to use this input for a GNHLUG meeting on March 19th in
Nashua, to show people a little about creating videos with Kino and
Inkscape.  [Ahem, whoever is now in charge of MerriLUG...can this be our
meeting for March 19th instead of the ever interesting "TBA"?]

I am not expecting this to be a "work of art", but it should be "fun"
and it will probably be seen by at least two or three people at the
Linux Foundation, and maybe 1700 or so when I put it up on YouTube after
the March 19th deadline for submissions.

If you would like to be either "Linux" or "MAC", and you feel you have
what it takes to be in show business, AND you are available this coming
Saturday or Sunday afternoon for a brief taping session in Nashua,
please send me a private note by Thursday morning and we will set this
up.  I have the scooter, and I can get the bicycle horn.  "MAC" will
have to supply their own costume.....actually everyone will have to wear
clothes....but I think you know what I meant.

You may have noticed that the winning video gets to send someone to
Japan to present the video at the Linux Summit there.  I am not
interested in going, and neither is Ben, so "Linux" and "MAC" will have
to fight it out if we win....well, they can probably draw straws or
something instead of fighting....

I have a reasonable camera to do this, but if anyone has a better
camera, particularly one with a separate microphone input, it would be
great if we could borrow it.

Jon "maddog" Hall
Executive Director           Linux International(R)
email: mad...@li.org         80 Amherst St. 
Voice: +1.603.672.4557       Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A.
WWW: http://www.li.org

Board Member: Uniforum Association
Board Member Emeritus: USENIX Association (2000-2006)

(R)Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in several
(R)Linux International is a registered trademark in the USA used
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