Hi Ben,

On 03/01/2009 03:25 PM, Ben Scott wrote:
On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 7:14 AM, Thomas Charron <twaf...@gmail.com> wrote:
And then, the granting of an entirely new license.  Note the right the
'rent and resell':

  Renting and reselling Free Software is not prohibited by any of the
major licenses, as far as I'm aware.  I can't imagine it would be
terribly successful, given that the code is Free to begin with.  So
why put such a statement in there?  I can think of a few reasons:

  (1) Overzealous lawyers who think people will pay for code that's
already Free (libre). This seems likely doomed to failure.
I just wanted to point out that "free" in "free software" in the context of the various licensing schemes does not mean zero dollars. Rather, "free" means "freely accessible source code".

Many commercial software products that charge real money for their products incorporate "free software" into their offerings. The end user pays for such products and the source code for the portions that are based upon free software are made available to the end user.


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