On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 6:14 PM, Alex Hewitt <hewitt_t...@comcast.net> wrote:
> I went with the other big shipper after all the broken stuff via
> Uninterruptible  Power Supply and they destroyed my package ...

  I've had all three of the big three (UPS, FDX, DHL) destroy plenty
of stuff.  (Of course, now we're down to two again...)  For me, FDX
has the additional disadvantage that their computer software (the
stuff you install on a 'doze box to automate shipping) sucks much more
than the UPS offering does.  (Or did.  I guess the latest releases of
UPS WorldShip have come closer to FedEx Ship Manager in the sucking
department.  Yay, progress.)

  I once tried to ship some test equipment with a declared value of
$100K and none of the big three would touch it.  We had to hire a
dedicated van and courier team.  That should tell you something right

-- Ben

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