On Wed, 2009-04-15 at 13:07 -0400, Curtis Sandoval wrote:
> Okay, I was able to resolve this with the help of those who replied.
> I checked the queue and it was full of messages like "server <server>
> won't talk to me", so I cleared the queue and corrected the smtp
> server entry (to point to Roadrunner's smtp server) in the mail
> transfer agent section of Yast.  I'm still looking into why this would
> fail Monday on a headless and unchanged box, but it does work now and
> the problem was an incorrect smtp server entry according to the
> message queue.  I had not set up an smtp server entry previously,
> relying on the box's standard smtp server from original installation,

Exactly.  smtplib defaults to localhost.  Your ISP is now blocking your
mail server.  Connections to the ISP mailserver are not blocked.  So
changing your mail server to send through the ISP fixed it.  (You could
also change your Python code to specify the ISP mail server.)

Your next set of problems will occur when they require user
authentication to send an email.

>  but now the entry is made and correct.  Not sure why it was needed
> suddenly, but it works.  Thanks. 
> 2009/4/15 Curtis Sandoval <curtis.sando...@gmail.com>
>         I actually did try the python interpreter, just after running
>         the scripts from the console to look for errors, and it all
>         reports back fine.  The scripts log their start and stop and
>         errors, and that looks fine.  I'll look at the mail queues now
>         and the logs, and try the debug level thing to see if that
>         tells me anything.  I'll report what I find.
>         2009/4/14 Kent Johnson <ken...@tds.net> 
>                 On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 8:43 PM, Curtis Sandoval
>                 <curtis.sando...@gmail.com> wrote:
>                 > All,
>                 >
>                 > I've run into an odd problem.  I've been running
>                 python (2.5) scripts on a
>                 > Linux box (Suse 10.2) for probably two years through
>                 cron.  These scripts
>                 > email me using python's smtplib and the sample code
>                 from the Python
>                 > documentation, and nothing has been changed on the
>                 o/s or the python or the
>                 > Linksys wireless router that is hooked into my
>                 Roadrunner cable modem. (The
>                 > machine itself runs with no monitor, I only shell
>                 into it and manage the
>                 > scripts) On Monday I didn't get all of my expected
>                 messages, and I have
>                 > ruled out nearly everything.  Roadrunner says it's
>                 my problem, but I
>                 > suspected it was some sort of Conficker
>                 countermeasure.
>                 If you call set_debuglevel(1) on the SMTP object in
>                 your script, it
>                 will log the interaction with the SMTP server to
>                 stderr. Capture that
>                 to a file and you may get some clues.
>                 You could also try the code from a Python console
>                 session and see what
>                 is happening.
>                 Kent
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