On Thu, 2009-06-11 at 07:21 -0400, Paul Lussier wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I would like to extract a table from an HTML document and break it
> down to a dict for further processing.  

I assume you want a dict for each row.

> I've googled around a bit and found about 4 different modules that do
> html processing, but nothing on dealing explicitly with tables
> (something like Perl's HTML::TableExtract module).
I have not seen a table extract module.  BeautifulSoup is a third party
module that is usually effective in dealing with any HTML.  Hopefully
the table is reasonably simple with no colspan/rowspan attributes and
funny data mixed in.

Are the column headers in th tags?  Can you use the headers to create
field names?  (e.g. fieldname = '_'.join( head.lower().split() )

I've got to run (a funeral), but am happy to help.  I'll check my email
when I get back.

> Can someone more knowledgable please point me in the right direction ?
> --
> Thanks,
> Paul
> P.S. I'm also looking for a job if anyone knows of anything, or needs
>      a sysadmin with great perl skills and growing python experience :)

Good Luck!

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Venix Corp

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