Lloyd Kvam <pyt...@venix.com> writes:
> On Mon, 2009-07-13 at 22:59 -0400, Paul Lussier wrote:
> > Lloyd Kvam <pyt...@venix.com> writes:
> > 
> > > You've already gotten two useful responses.  I'd just like to add that
> > > typically, the object attributes are referenced directly:
> > >         rect.length * rect.width
> > 
> > Lloyd, thanks. But what if the attribute isn't set yet?  If I have
> > self.foo, and self.foo hasn't yet been set, I want it to go and get set,
> > then return the correct value.
> If the initial set value is a simple constant, make it a class attribute
> with the default value.  The object can override the attribute with a
> different value when that value is determined.
> > 
> > I get the impression the __getattr__() method helps here, 
> If the value will be computed on demand, __getattr__ is one way to go.
>         def __getattr__(self, attr):
>             if attr == 'foo':
>                 return self.compute_foo()
>             elif ....
>             else:
>                 raise AttributeError( attr + ' is invalid name')
> This is the 'traditional' approach.  __getattr__ is *only* called when
> an attribute is not found.  If you wanted to save the computed value, so
> that __getattr__ was no longer used:
>       self.__dict__['foo'] = self.compute_foo()
>       return self.foo
> The simplistic self.foo = self.compute_foo() will trigger a call to
> __getattr__, so you can't use that within __getattr__.

That's not true; it *will*, however, trigger a call to __settattr__,
if it exists; that's what you're thinking of :)

cf. http://docs.python.org/reference/datamodel.html#object.__setattr__

__getattr__, however, is free to just do `self.foo = ...'.

Don't be afraid to ask (Lf.((Lx.xx) (Lr.f(rr)))).
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