On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Alan Johnson<a...@datdec.com> wrote:
> Shut that thing off when you are not using it!

  Most computers made in the past 20 years or so include power
management features.  Turning off the screen, spinning down the hard
drives, and clocking down the CPU can be done without even stopping OS
function  The Linux kernel will automatically tell the CPU to suspend
when it doesn't need it (HLT instruction, sent by the scheduler).
Hard drive spin-down can be configured with hdparm.  Screen with xset.
 Or the GUI tools of your choice.

  Of course, whether anyone uses any of this... that's another question.

  And, of course, things like fold...@home that also proclaim to be
making a better future will counter-act CPU and (maybe) HDD savings.

  Suspend-to-RAM will save even more power, albeit at the cost of
halting the OS.  But it will wake back up within a second or so.  I
keep meaning to look into getting this up, and use a wake-on-LAN
command from my SOHO router to wake it up for remote access.  Anyone
else here played with that stuff?

-- Ben
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