Hey all - just a reminder that the Gaming SIG meets tonight to play
Nexuiz.  Hope to see some of you there!

Here's a repost of the announcement:

The next GNHLUG Gaming SIG get-together/LAN party will be on August 7th
and will feature the first person shooter, Nexuiz.  Decisions on whether
to play as teams or free for all will be made that night.

Information on Nexuiz: http://www.alientrap.org/nexuiz/

We'll likely be using 2.4.x since that's what the latest versions of the
major distributions seem to be shipping.

August 7th, starting around 6:00 and going until we feel like leaving
(often after 11:00).

Dynamic Network Services, Inc (aka DynDNS)
1230 Elm Street
5th Floor (ring the doorbell)
Manchester, NH

LAN Party, playing Nexuiz
We'll probably order food from somewhere too

Geeks and non-geeks, newbies and experts alike

Cole Tuininga
Lead Developer
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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