It is not often that I ask for your help, and this help is not even for
me, but for a young Brazilian friend of mine named Hugo Corbucci.

Hugo is doing his Master's degree and is doing a survey of software
tools that a developer and his team of people might use in doing
communications....well, you can probably read his email below.

There are only about 15 questions, it goes really quickly, and if you do
any FOSS development as a team member, I would appreciate you helping
Hugo out with this web-based survey.

The results of the survey will be online at the end, and you can even
opt-in to be notified of the results automatically by email.



-------- Forwarded Message --------

Hello Jon,
I've just started talking about the survey I built up to identify a few
tools that might help free software forges reduce the communication
issues between a developers' team and their users as well as between
developers. I've already contacted the forges I know about (sourceforge,
launchpad, github, codehaus and google code) to ask for their help and
github was really quick.
But I think some more help can't be bad. :)
Could you help me out diffusing

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