Dana Nowell <dananow...@cornerstonesoftware.com> wrote on 09/10/2009 
05:06:24 PM:

> Bruce/Ben,
> I've some experience with binary oriented endian issues on about 15
> different platforms (Sun, SGI, Intel/AMD Windows PCs, Tandem/Compaq/HP
> NonStop 'mainframes', HP UX workstations, Linux, DEC Unix, and several
> flavors of Unix that probably do not still exist).  Basically INT signed
> or unsigned byte swaps (hton/ntoh for 32 bit and custom for 64 bit) have
> always worked as far back as I can remember (about 15 years).  Float and
> doubles are ALWAYS a pain as different, non endian related, format
> standards exist.
> I assume since this is up for debate, that this is a homegrown protocol
> and there is no defined and documented 'network standard' format. The
> simplest and most obvious answer is pick one (which you seem to be
> trying to do).  Which one is a bit more complex as this long winded post
> will hopefully show.

Thanks for your well thought out post.

I think my standard is simple.  Integers are converted to big-endian. 
Floats/doubles are converted to IEEE-754-2008 format and then converted to 
network format.  I'm not trying to make a career of this, just something 
that works well enough so I can get my job done.  A bonus is if it is a 
wee bit portable.  The development tools on PC's are way better than on 
the Cell.

> It appears you dislike suggestions of 'use ASCII' as they are space
> inefficient but yet you seem to want a 'standard'.  Well my experience
> tells me that the new 'standard' is ASCII/XML, the old 'standard' is
> something along the lines of IEEE 754 

IEEE-754 is more than good enough.  I do find it hard to believe for 
engineering heavy work that the standard is ASCII...

> Good luck.

I'll need it :)  Thanks!


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