I have a Sansa Fuze MP3 player bought solely because I heard
it worked well with Linux.  (Not entirely true, and classical
music meta data doesn't map well into artist/album/song display
format, let alone the long names that start with "Symphony".
Python to the rescue, needs more work, I forget what I wrote.)

I used its voice recorder to record most of a weekend climate
change conference and the audio was a lot better than I expected.
It records to .wav (mp3 on the fly is tough), it only records
to internal memory (it has a micro SD card that good to setup
mp3 files on with Linux), but the low end model with 2 GB
holds a lot.  I was quite impressed with the low noise level
and good quality sound.  They only advertise voice quality, so
I figured it would be phone call quality, but it's quite a
bit better.

Recordings are named by date stamp.

It also has a decent FM tuner and record by clock, so I can record
Car Talk.

I haven't tried its video or photo features, they may require Windows

  -Ric Werme
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