On Thu, 2009-10-01 at 18:50 -0400, Hewitt_Tech wrote:
> Thanks for the help guys. I fixed it by setting up the cable modem as
> I was describing. I changed the Linksys router to get it's WAN address
> dynamically. I then re-configured the cable modem to create a DMZ
> which only has one computer (in this case the router). I changed the
> cable modem's DHCP lease to "forever" so that the IP address being
> used by the Linksys router wouldn't change. I then noticed that the
> WAN IP address was switched by the cable modem to what had previously
> been the gateway address (which was one off the original WAN IP
> address). 

I've seen DSL modems with 2 modes of behavior:
      * bridge mode where they simply translate DSL/Ethernet bits which
        is what you want if you supply the router
      * NAT/router mode where the modem assumes router/firewall duties

I don't know if the cable modems offer similar capabilities.  The DSL
mode was controlled by the phone company and set by tech-support.  I was
helping a friend install a wireless router and was lucky to encounter a
phone company tech support person who knew what she was doing.

Perhaps your cable modem switched from bridge mode to router mode when
the customer router was removed.

> So it's up and running despite the weirdness that the Linksys router
> was displaying.
> -Alex
Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

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