The laptop I bought the kids for Christmas arrived and it did not boot windoz 
7. After an hour and a half on the phone with HP tech support I got a case# and 
an order number for a new hard drive due to arrive on the 17. HP's diagnostics 
test 'hard drive:failed'.  

The BIOS on this laptop seems pretty weak: F2 'run system diagnostics' RETURN 
run windows normally. I had to remove the hard drive from the laptop to get the 
knoppix CD to run, I tried 5.0, 5.1 and finally 6.01 which worked.

Perhaps I can upgrade the BIOS when I get a working hard drive? can I find a 
similar discussion in the archives? I checked last months but cannot remember 
any particular discussion.

I did not originally intend to dual boot this laptop but now I fear this weak 
BIOS (if it is actually the BIOS I'm looking at) will lead to certain data loss 
or removing the hard drive to recover any data which will have to be done on 
another machine. 

I have another HP dv5 I ordered from newegg, I'm quited happy with the way it 
has been preforming since May running  openSUSE
mno...@linux-lap:/etc/sysconfig/network> uname -a
Linux linux-lap #1 SMP 2009-08-15 17:53:59 +0200 x86_64 
x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux  openSUSE 11.1 (x86_64)

If the new hard drive does not just work, I'll be forced to spend another hour 
on the phone with HP to get a RMA#.


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