Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
> Okay.  Kenette 2.0 is approx. 3.5 years in age.  She's currently getting
> into games on her "laptop," a Fisher Price doohickey that even has a
> "mouse."  Anyway, suggestions on games that might run on a somewhat more
> open architecture like, say... Linux?

Specific package: Tuxpaint, definitely.  My boys (6 and 4) love to play
with it.  They love that they can come up with their creations and then
tell me so I can copy it over to my workstation to use as a background.

If you're a Debian/Ubuntu type of person, definitely check out the
debian-jr meta package.  There's a whole ton of fun/educational "things"
in there.

Cole Tuininga
Lead Developer
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