On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 8:07 PM, Dan Miller <rambi....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would need a keyboard that fits a Dell PP21l.

  Google says that translates to "Inspiron 1300".  Is that the correct model?

  Google for Inspiron 1300 in turn leads me to:


  If that's what you have: That looks like a Latitude D series
keyboard.  Any other Latitude D series (except the ultra-small D4x0
series) should have a compatible keyboard.  That should make your
search easier.

> The current keyboard is
> Model: NSK-D5G01
> P/N 9J.N6782.G01

  Dell changes their internal parts around constantly.  (They
outsource everything, so any given part will come from whoever the
lowest bidder is that month.)  Hence the recommendation to look for a
Latitude D series.

  I only know this because we buy Dell at work.  Unfortunately, I
don't have any keyboards I can give away.

-- Ben
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