On 19-Jan-2010, kenta <ke...@guster.net> sent:
> MerriLUG'ers we haven't met in a good long time. I remember
> having a conversation during the GNHLUG birthday-bash about
> having Manchester-area meetings in lieu of Nashua. Anything new
> on this?

I had been talking with Ben about starting to organize a Manchester-
area meeting, but with the holiday and personal stuff it got back-
burnered. I've recently been giving it some thought again, and
it's probably time to get the ball rolling.

So, with that out there, are there people interested in a
Manchester meeting who wouldn't be interested in reviving the
Nashua group?

Chip Marshall <c...@2bithacker.net>
http://weblog.2bithacker.net/          KB1QYW        PGP key ID 43C4819E

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