On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 4:12 PM, Benjamin Scott <dragonh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 12:39 PM, Michael ODonnell
> <michael.odonn...@comcast.net> wrote:
> >> Be federal law, anyone competing with the USPS must charge 3x what
> >> their charging, no exceptions.
> > I can't find anything on the Intertubes to support that assertion
> > and it has a very Snopes-worthy whiff about it.  Can you substantiate?
>  As I mentioned, I can't speak to that particular claim, but the
> following sections of the US Code ("Federal law") do appear to enact
> things along those lines:

  I only recall the ballparks from UPS years ago.  It may very well be not
exactly 3x for everything.  We where well aware of this, however, as when
the USPS raised rates, the shipping systems would require new shipping rates
to be loaded, as these changes would require that UPS would raise it's base
rates for shipping.

> Title 39, Section 601, "Letters carried out of the mail"
> http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode39/usc_sec_39_00000601----000-.html
> "A letter may also be carried out of the mails when ... the amount
> paid for the private carriage of the letter is at least the amount
> equal to 6 times the rate then currently charged for the 1st ounce of
> a single-piece first class letter ..." [exceptions are specified]

  This i part of the basis, however you've looked up more then I have
regarding the evidence that this is actually the case.

> --
> -- Thomas
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