On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Benjamin Scott <dragonh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  I once read a rather apt commentary on HTTP/HTML web interfaces,
> comparing them to an IBM 3270 terminal system.  Although AJAX breaks
> that somewhat...

Put down that metaphor. Step slowly away from the computer...


And Application Code/HTML/Javascript could be contorted to look like
Model/View/Controller. Except...

There is nothing new under the sun, as you observe. "New" database and
programming models echo past efforts at hierarchical databases, ISAMs,
Dynamo and Lisp, of course.

For each programming challenge's constraints of memory, storage,
processing power and bandwidth, various combinations of solutions like
linked-lists vs. FIFO stacks, hierarchical vs. relational vs.
name-value, client-server vs. cluster vs. parallel, come in or fall
out of fashion. Orders of magnitude increases in memory, disk capacity
and network bandwidth change the landscape. Relatively slower
increases in disk bandwidth and CPU power tilt the balance. We're also
solving different problems, bigger ones, derivatives of older ones,
and thousands or millions of times larger data points.

“The past may not repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme” · Mark Twain.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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