On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Joseph Smith <j...@settoplinux.org> wrote:
> I am new to the gnhlug community and wanted to introduce myself.


  GNHLUG is pretty loosely (dis)organized.  There's this list, the
website (which anyone can edit), and a various regular meetings
scattered around the state.  You're welcome to participate in any of
that, or start something on your own.  The regular schedule of
meetings is the web site[1], and specific topics (or cancelations) are
usually posted to the home page[2].

[1] http://wiki.gnhlug.org/twiki2/bin/view/Www/OurChapters
[2] http://wiki.gnhlug.org/twiki2/bin/view/Www/WebHome

  I know we've got number of other people on this list who do
low-level/hardware/embedded stuff, so you're far from alone there.

  I'm the system janitor for the server that hosts the website and
this list; I occasionally try my hand at herding cats (organizing
GNHLUG things); and I'm a general loud-mouth.  If you have any
questions about GNHLUG, feel free to ask me off-list, or post to
gnhlug-discuss here.

  Again, welcome!

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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