On 05/02/2010 12:29 AM, Benjamin Scott wrote:
>   Kevin's wget-based implementation worked (thanks again, Kevin!), but
> was slow due to repeated invocations of wget.  I looked at the code to
> see if I could do something about that... and that awoke the coding
> bug in me.  End result is implemented in terms of Perl Net::FTP and
> needs no external programs.  It may even be cross-platform, although I
> haven't tried it anywhere but *nix yet.  It's still very susceptible
> to differences in FTP directory format.  I've confirmed a Microsoft
> FTP server will cause it to choke horribly.  :)
> http://sites.google.com/site/mailvortex/unix-and-linux/duftp

Suggestion: change the Synopsis syntax from 'duext' to 'duftp'

Perennially RTFM'ing,

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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