On Tue, 2010-05-11 at 22:12 -0400, David Rysdam wrote:
> On 05/11/2010 09:31 PM, Joshua Judson Rosen wrote:
> > How's the GPS? I heard from someone that the N810's GPS was lacking,
> > though I'm still somewhat suspicious of his specific evaluation....
> Google will back me up.  Although Google will also claim various fixes,
> particularly "A-GPS" which requires an internet connection and is
> therefore useless in (my) normal use.
> Other solutions include an external GPS, which I don't really consider
> to be a fix so much as a separate product. And in any case that would
> still leave me using the N810's map software which is also pretty bad,
> at least for what I do.

My N810 takes 15 minutes+ to lock on to the GPS satellites, and usually
takes a lot longer than that (a couple of hours, which is the same thing
as useless IMO).  I don't bother to use it because of that.  On the few
occasions I've managed to actually get a connection, the accuracy has
been reasonably good as far as I could tell, though the map detail in
the areas I was checking was quite poor (to be fair, I have never seen a
correct map for either my previous neighborhood in WRJ or for the street
my lot of land is on).
Stephen Ryan <step...@sryanfamily.info>

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