Jeffry Smith wrote:
>> On 07/17/2010 10:17 AM, Bruce Dawson wrote:
>>> Software patents are bad for the industry - its one reason I retired
>>> early rather than spend all my time fending off patent trolls instead of
>>> "innovating".
> US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8:
> "[congress shall have the power ...]To promote the progress of science
> and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and
> inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and
> discoveries;"
> Given the innovation and productivity that has happened WITHOUT
> software patents, would love to see a study showing the extent to
> which software patents promote or hinder "the progress of science and
> useful arts" - I suspect it would show they hinder progress more than
> help.
I believe your suspicions are correct. However without an "evidential
counterpoint", all the pro-patent lawyers have to do is show all their
court cases as proof that patents *help* promote the progress of
science. I can't think of any evidence that will prove the opposite -
unless a lot of software businesses are willing to open their books and
their legal papers.

Now, if that were to happen, (or be forced to happen), then (a lot of)
things will become more clear.

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