Huh?  You saw sessions freeze for as long as a *full minute* and after
disabling compression you're no longer seeing that problem?  Hrmmm....
Compression can certainly slow things down sometimes but I can't think
how even unnecessary triple redundant compression could all by itself
block traffic for a full minute.  I'm happy that your problem seems to
be solved but I still suspect the culprit is/was something else...

Also, as long as you're eliminating unnecessary pieces of the puzzle I'll
again point out that you can do without the intermediate SSH session by
rigging the middleMachine to automatically relay SSH connections back to
the WestCoast instead of requiring that an entire new session be started
on the middleMachine, thus:

    WestCoast% ssh -g -X -R 2222:localhost:22 middleMachine

...and then connect EastCoast machines via middleMachine thus:

    EastCoast% ssh -X -p 2222 middleMachine

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