So, the NanoNote that I bought back in September has
turned out to be a fantastically good purchase for me,
and my wife has started demanding that I get *her* one
because she wants an `OMG that's so awesome'
music-player just like the one that I now have
(more on that later, in another post).

As such, I intend to place an order for a second NanoNote
in the next couple of days (so that I can give it to her
for as a Mothers' Day present), so anyone else who's interested
in getting one is again invited to do a `group buy' with me
so that we can save on shipping.

If you missed the conversation last time, here's a link
to the thread:

They're [still] $99, but they [still] ship from Hong Kong so shipping
a single unit [still] adds ~$30 to the price; shipping more units together
increases the shipping-price but only ~logarithmically, so there's
an opportunity to spread the shipping-cost out with a `group buy';
for example, it [still] looks like shipping goes down to $11/unit
if I order 5.

Anyone interested, this time?

"Don't be afraid to ask (λf.((λx.xx) (λr.f(rr))))."

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