Wow, that is kind of unreal. I was in the Chelmsford area a few years ago
for RH cert training and I was under the impression that it is a very busy
and built-up area and I would have just assumed (and we all know what that
spells) that cable and internet service is ubiquitous there.

Up here I have to admit that the geography all over the state is a serious
factor, and there just ain't gonna be cell phone access or "last-mile" fiber
in a lot of these places.  You can see lots and lots of satellite dishes,

<rant on>  And of course there is the socio-economic factor of the moneyed
middle-class population centers in the flatlands like Chittenden and
Franklin and Addison counties and the college towns, versus the corn-likker
hillbilly areas in the hills and mountains.   Jethro and Ellie May can
probably forget about ever having broadband up in their neck of the woods
but if they need help from the state or some nonprofit organization at some
point, they will be told to just log on in and fill out them forms online.
 Got internet at the local libraries?  Maybe, but they may only be open
about ten hours a week.  Hell, the Feds are closing rural post offices up
here.  Gotta keep DOD in full battle dress 7x24 and the Wall Street
huckleberries high-fiving each other with each new mass layoff announcement.
<rant off>

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 11:35 AM, Michael ODonnell <> wrote:

> > Holland, MA is roughly only a 90-minute haul from Boston and right
> > off the Pike, and yet Union, CT is further down in the CT sticks
> > and they had the cable service.  Not much rhyme nor reason to it
> > up here, either.
> There's baffling availability patterns in the `burbs as well
> as out in the sticks.  In Chelmsford we got Verizon to agree
> to do their FiOS buildout years ago but we still can't get it
> at our place even though there are addresses less than a block
> away in several directions that can.  I am, of course, grateful
> that we are "lucky" enough to at least have the option of being
> ComCast's captive market but it's infuriating that Verizon's
> bureacracy/greed results in FiOS being so tantalizingly close
> and that little bit of "choice" being just out of reach...
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