On 02/05/2012 04:49 PM, Jon "maddog" Hall wrote:
> On Sun, 2012-02-05 at 15:13 -0500, Bruce Dawson wrote:
>> Kudos to Seth...
>> http://yro.slashdot.org/story/12/02/04/2259227/new-hampshire-passes-open-source-bill
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> I will second that "Kudos".  With so much going on in government these
> days that is "questionable", this is a good example of helping
> government "make the right choice", in both the use of Free Software,
> and (even more importantly) Open Standards and Open Data.
> md
I've since moved back to Cincinnati, but I've reconnected with many of
my "successor" evangelists at the University here. I try to explain to
them that, no matter how hopeless or cynical the system appears, there
is a pretty big ideas vacuum. That same vacuum that allows silly ideas
like SOPA and PIPA needs to be taken advantage of more by our community.
In this case, it has really helped having a "person on the inside". If
we make sure to be part of the process, by working toward contributing
to it, we have plenty of opportunity right now to be influential in

Good work, Seth! I'll make sure I pass this along to my local reps here
in Cincinnati. I know the new city council that was elected last year
has placed on this year's agenda a plan to look into Open Source
solutions for long-term planning (to overcome recurring licensing &
support costs for proprietary closed-source legacy systems).
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