On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 11:32 PM, Joshua Judson Rosen
<roz...@geekspace.com> wrote:
> Dear GNHLUG,
> A couple of (non-technical) friends of mine have expressed
> a desire to move away from Google's services in response to
> the latest publicised privacy/security gaffe. The big question
> is "where do I go from GMail?"--I don't think I'm familiar enough
> with the options for me to be comfortable making a recommendation
> at this point..., and I'm wondering if maybe some of you can
> provide some insight.

  The biggest disclaimer to give is, *any* mail provider can
potentially be compromised.  My personal opinion is that the google
gaffe wasn't nearly as bad as some providers compromises.  It's a give
and take.  A smaller provider is a smaller target, but also less
likely to be monitoring security threats and adapting to them.

  Actually, there really wasn't, specifically, a security compromise
with google.  It simply allowed cookies to get thru when you didn't
want them to, but mostly do to Safari functionality, not google

-- Thomas
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