On 07/18/2012 09:39 PM, Bill Sconce wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Jul 2012 21:23:45 -0400
> Bill Sconce <sco...@in-spec-inc.com> wrote:
>> And Java, yet another case -- if there ever turns out to be a reason to
>> have Java installed.
> There seems never to have been a reason. Not on any Linux system I've 
> been responsible for, my own or clients'.
> What's more surprising, over the past few weeks I've been removing Java
> from all my clients' Windows PCs. At first I was afraid something would
> break, but itt seems THEY'VE never really needed Java either. (I'm sure
> that others' mileage will vary on this. But the easiest way to secure a
> piece of software IS to remove it.)
> On a related note, when reading/researching this thread I came across
> an article describing a *PYTHON* vulnerability. That got my attention,
> for sure.   Turns out ^U   ...no, wait, you'll probably get a chuckle
> reading it for yourself:
>     Python-based malware attack targets Macs.
>     Windows PCs also under fire
>     http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2012/04/27/python-malware-mac/
Bill wouldn't they have been better off if you removed Windows too??

Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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