On 08/18/2012 08:49 PM, Bayard Coolidge wrote:
> Tom Buskey <t...@buskey.name> said:
>> I was at the same UNH with Linus too.
> "Me, too"... And still have the autographed CD here in my collection.

Me too, me too! Though I didn't think to get my CD autographed. I 
thought it was fall '95? (Pretty sure I was still living in what was 
basically a converted broom closet in Devine Hall, but maybe I'm 
counting wrong.) I think by 97 (definitely by 98) they had ripped out 
the VT220s from the engineering labs and installed linux PCs.

I remember spending most (all?) of the night following Linus' talk and 
the following day defragging windows, repartitioning, installing, 
rebuilding a kernel, getting drivers to work, (re-)re-partitioning so 
everything fit... I was pretty psyched about actually having *unix* in 
my room -- with gcc and everything! -- without having to connect to an 
overburdened campus unix server, worry about the connection dropping, etc.


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