I'd like to schedule several BLU meetings about IPv6 for next year,
and I'm looking
for speakers who can give the kinds of presentations I think would be useful.

We had a talk last November, but it fell short of what I had hoped
for. I was looking
for presentations where the target audience is people who have already decided
they want to migrate to IPv6, and are asking how to proceed.

The talk we actually got was interesting and informative, but it didn't address
the correct audience. The talk we got focused on persuading a
reluctant audience
that they really need to start planning to migrate to IPv6, and it
didn't really offer
any useful details on how to proceed.

For starters, I've come up with three basic scenarios I'd like to explore:

1. A home user with 1-2 desktops, a few laptops/iPhones/Android devices,
maybe a NAS or Tivo, and a Linksys wireless router that can support DD-WRT;

2. A small office with 1-2 Linux servers and maybe a dozen desktops and laptops
possibly supporting a mix of Linux, Windows, and MacOS.

3. A larger enterprise with several locations in different cities;
dozens of servers
including Windows, Linux, BSD, Solaris, AIX, etc; desktop, laptops,
etc including a mix of Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS, Android, etc.

To keep things simple, I think it makes sense to focus on migrating from a
pure IPv4 network to a dual-stack network for these scenarios. Even with this
focus, I imagine it would still take several meetings to cover the basics.

Can anyone recommend speakers who can give these kinds of HOWTO talks?


John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix
Email j...@blu.org / WWW http://www.abreau.net / PGP-Key-ID 0xD5C7B5D9
PGP-Key-Fingerprint 72 FB 39 4F 3C 3B D6 5B E0 C8 5A 6E F1 2C BE 99
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