On Thu, 14 Feb 2013 17:46:29 -0500, Ted Roche <tedro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 5:21 PM, David Rysdam <da...@rysdam.org> wrote:
> >
> > Do TOSen apply to non-logged-in users? What are they going to do? Revoke
> > my account?
> >
> >
> No, I agree we've got a bit far afield. The TOS concern is valid if you
> were to make this a publicly-available service.

No, I still don't get the application of the TOS. I wouldn't be signed
up as a user or have an account or anything. It's just...out
there. Doesn't a TOS have to be a contract between people? Just loading
a URL does not constitute agreeing to a TOS.
> but I haven't found a wildcard character or regex support. Considering the
> variations of spelling, grammar and mis-characterization I see, perhaps
> that's all for the best. Like the old chestnut about the difficult of
> creating idiot-proof systems because the idiots are just too darned clever,
> it may be that the only filter suitable for finding what you want on CL may
> be your own eyes.

Yes, I've basically just tried a bunch of searches manually and the ones
that regularly have a good amount of hits, I saved. Now I perform them
via automation. I may let a few slip by, but the time I save (and the
faster response time I get by checking every N minutes) is worth it.
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