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I remember back when the Digital TurboLaser systems came out. At the
time they were enormous, and my job was to develop testing tools for
them. Management just about fell off their chairs when I told them it
would take a *week* (running 24x7) just to create a 1 TB file with
random data (as in RND(0)) for testing. And a little under 2 weeks to
create 1 million 1K files with random data for testing.

- --Bruce

On 04/27/2013 08:06 PM, Curt Howland wrote:
> On Saturday 27 April 2013, Michael ODonnell was heard to say:
> > Even on just a silly little RAID1 mirror on a multi-Tb
> > array I dread seeing the various messages announcing
> > "routine" maintenance and diagnostic operations as
> > they take forever and don't come for free, resource-wise...
> When I bought a 1TB external drive and decided to encrypt it, I wanted
> to randomize if first, dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sdb or whatever it
> was, USB3.
> 6 days later I made the mistake of playing a SpaceRip youtube video in
> full screen, and Flash locked up the box. The randomizing still
> wasn't done, but I gave up on that and encrypted the drive anyway.
> Yes, TerraByte drives are, as was said to Cyrano DeBergerac, "Rather
> Large."

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